Working Session #1
From 23 to 25 May, the EPRC took part in the first working session of the MCDC joint personnel recovery reintegration considerations (JPR-RC) project.
The meeting was held in Berlin at the German federal Police, Section 11 (BPOLD-11).
The JPR-RC project is intended to examine all primary and supporting aspects which support a fully developed Reintegration program.
The end state of the project is to allow MCDC partners, with a common baseline, to have the tools, knowledge, and support to close existing gaps or create entirely new capabilities for their own national Reintegration program.
This project will deliver a written report on Reintegration modeling, best practices, and lessons learned. As a result, report’s users will have a base-line of “best practices” or models to consider as they look to improve or develop their national Reintegration efforts based on existing programs supported by lessons learned and inputs from all project members.
The Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC) is an initiative led the by the United States Joint Staff J-7 designed to develop and assess non-materiel (non-weaponry) force development solutions, through collaborative multinational efforts, to meet present and future operation needs associated with conducting joint multinational and coalition operations. It is contributing to multinational interoperability by identifying and evaluating potential solution to joint multinational and coalition capability gaps. MCDC focuses on multinational force development with a global community of interest made up of both traditional and non-traditional partners.
The EPRC, in line with its vision to be recognized as a PR hub in Europe, is actively contributing to developing this new tool, which will undoubtedly be useful to our Member Nations and to the PR community.